Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate AR 500g R227,95


Sodium thiosulphate and ammonium sulfate in gold extraction

Treatment of cyanide poisoning

It is used to dechlorinate tap water including lowering chlorine levels for use in aquariums, swimming pools, and spa

In  water treatment plants to treat settled backwash water prior to release into rivers

To neutralize the color-removing effects of bleach  Sodium thiosulphate is used

Used in photographic processing

Pack Size: 500g

8 in stock


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Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate AR 500g is primarily used as a reducing agent, most commonly in analytical chemistry to quantitatively measure the concentration of iodine solutions through a titration process by reacting with iodine to form a colorless solution, allowing for precise endpoint detection in redox reactions; it is also used in photography as a fixer to dissolve unexposed silver halide crystals in the developing process

Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate AR 500g