Sodium Sulphate R28,00 – R387,09
Other Names:Sulfate of sodium
Glauber’s salt (decahydrate)
Sal mirabilis (decahydrate)
Disodium sulfate
Synonyms:Sodium sulphate,Sulfate of sodium,Thenardite (mineral),Glauber’s salt (decahydrate),Sal mirabilis (decahydrate),Mirabilite (decahydrate mineral),Disodium sulfate
- use is as filler in powdered home laundry detergents
- is used as a fining agent, to help remove small air bubbles from molten glass
- in textiles industry helps in “levelling”, reducing negative charges on fibres so that dyes can penetrate evenly
- de-frosting windows, starch manufacture, as an additive in carpet fresheners, and as an additive to cattle feed