Sodium Percarbonate 25kg R1550,00

Sodium Percarbonate  (25kg)


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Sodium Percarbonate (25kg) Na. 2H. 3CO. 6

Sodium percarbonate is a chemical substance with formula Na

It is an adduct of sodium carbonate (“soda ash” or “washing soda”) and hydrogen peroxide (that is, a perhydrate) whose formula is more properly written as

Na2CO3 · 3 H2O
. It is a colorless, crystalline, hygroscopic and water-soluble solid.

It is sometimes abbreviated as SPC.

It contains 32.5% by weight of hydrogen peroxide.

The product is used in some eco-friendly bleaches and other cleaning products, and as a laboratory source of anhydrous hydrogen peroxide.

Formula: Na2CO3·1.5H2O2
Molar mass: 157,01 g/mol
IUPAC ID: sodium carbonate—hydrogen peroxide (2/3)
Other anions: Sodium carbonate; Sodium bicarbonate
Other cations: Calcium percarbonate; Magnesium percarbonate