Potassium Carbonate (Granular) TG

CAS No:584-08-7


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Formula: K2CO3
Molar mass: 138,205 g/mol
Density: 2,43 g/cm³

Other names:Carbonate of potash, dipotassium carbonate, sub-carbonate of potash, pearl ash, potash, salt of tartar, salt of wormwood.


  • as a buffering agent in the production of mead or wine.
  • in antique documents, it is reported to have been used to soften hard water.
  • as a fire suppressant in extinguishing deep-fat fryers and various other B class-related fires.
  • in condensed aerosol fire suppression, although as the byproduct of potassium nitrate.
  • as an ingredient in welding fluxes, and in the flux coating on arc-welding rods.
  • as an animal feed ingredient to satisfy the potassium requirements of farmed animals such as broiler breeders.