Kogasin R625,00R8388,00


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Kogasin  is used in the production of many products, including firelighters, hand cleaners, and wood coatings. 


  • Kogasin is a synthetic liquid
  • It is made by reacting carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the Fischer-Tropsch process
  • It has a CAS number of 64771-72-8
  • Kogasin is used in the production of firelighters, hand cleaners, rust protective oils, and mild release agents 
  • It is also used in the production of wood coatings 
  • Kogasin is a raw material for washing and cleaning agents 

  • Kogasin is flammable
  • If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately
  • Prevent vomiting if possible
  • If a person vomits when lying on their back, place them in the recovery position
  • Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person

  • The user, handler, or receiver must ensure that the necessary mitigating measures are in place as regards health and safety
  • The user, handler, or receiver must communicate such information to all relevant parties