Conductivity Meter HI98192 R36795,00
Model: HI98192
Professional 5
Waterproof Meters
EC/TDS/Resistivity/Salinity Meter with USP <645>
Waterproof portable EC/resistivity/TDS/N aCl auto ranging meter with graphic display
Professional 5
Waterproof Meters
EC/TDS/Resistivity/Salinity Meter with USP <645>
• Waterproof
· IP67 rated waterproof, rugged enclosure
• Salinityreadings
· Salinity can be displayed as % NaCl, seawater scale (ppt) or practical salinity scale (PSU)
• Calibration
· Perform up to a five point calibration for enhanced accuracy
- Temperaturecompensation· Automatic Temperature Compensation · Configurable temperature coefficientrange from 0�00 to 10�00%�°C
- Four-ring stainless steel probe
· This probe can cover low EC samples to 1000 mS/cm (actual EC)
• Approximately 100 hour battery life
· Powered by (4) 1�5V AA batteries
• Cleardisplay
· Dot matrix display with multifunction virtual keys
• AutoHold
· Automatically holds the first stable reading on the display
• Calibrationtimeout
· Alerts when calibration is due at a specified interval
• Connectivity
· PC connectivity via opto-isolated micro-USB with HI92000 software
· GLP data provides data from previous calibration to ensure Good Laboratory Practices are met
• Intuitivekeypad
· Most of the available options such as GLP information, help, range, calibration and backlight have a dedicated button
• Suppliedcomplete
· Each meter is supplied complete
with sensor, calibration solution, beakers, PC software and connection cable, instruction manual, quick
start guide and batteries in a rugged, custom carrying case�