Chlorobenzene AR 2,5Lt R1139,00


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Chlorobenzene AR 2,5Lt
Chlorobenzene has many uses in a laboratory, including as a solvent and in organic synthesis: 

  • Solvent
    Chlorobenzene is a high-boiling solvent used in laboratories to dissolve materials like rubber, resins, waxes, and oils.
    It’s also used as a solvent for adhesives, drugs, paints, and dry cleaning. 

  • Organic synthesis
    Chlorobenzene is used in the synthesis of intermediates like nitrophenols, nitroanisole, chloroaniline, and phenylenediamines.
    These intermediates are used to make herbicides, dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals for rubber. 

  • Reaction solvent
    Chlorobenzene is used as a reaction solvent when a reaction requires a higher boiling point than other chlorinated solvents. 

Chlorobenzene is a flammable liquid with a high vapor pressure and an almond-like odor.
It’s incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents, and it can react violently with dimethyl sulfoxide.
Accidental spills can be dangerous to fish, invertebrates, and aquatic plants.
Chlorobenzene AR 2,5Lt