Silica Ash Crucible, is SiO2 > 99% R495,00

Silica Ash Crucible, is SiO2 > 99% (Rectangular Crucible 25ml, 52 x 42 x 18mm)


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Silica Ash Crucible, is SiO2 > 99%


Rectangular Crucible 25ml, 52 x 42 x 18mm)

Silica Ash Crucible, is SiO2 > 99%, white colour/clear, working temperature higher than 1100 °C. Below dimensions ±.

They will be used to heat 1g of pulverized coal in a Muffle Furnace in air at a specified ramp rate up to a temperature of 815 °C ± 10 °C and maintained at this temperature until constant in mass.

The ash % is calculated from the mass of the residue after incineration.